17 juin 2 japanese artists selected for AIR program in Paris 2020/2021 今年で2年目になるアーティスト・イン・レジデンス プログラム2020/2021 イン パリの最終選考の結果をお知らせします。

Mizuki Kajihara and Soshi Matsunobe are the 2 artists selected for Air Program in Paris 2020/2021 organised by Kyoto Art Center, Chishima Foundation for Creative Osaka and Villa Kujoyama, with the support of Institut français and Cité internationale des arts in Paris.
Both artists will receive a full support during their 3 months residency at Cité internationale des arts in Paris starting October 2020 and January 2021. They will be invited to show the results of their stay during a dedicated event in Kansai, Japan
> Download the press release
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Born in 1993, Japan
Simple and soft but not so slow, sound installation, 2020
Residency period : From October 2020 to January 2021
Especially interested in western classical music, Mizuki Kajihara creates works by decomposing and reconstructing correctly assembled musical scores through physical experience.
By reinterpreting symbols with other informations, the artist explores new ways of connecting classics and current times through music and possibilities in contemporary artistic expression.
Residency project : Le retour à la vie ou
Interested in the way of clearly identifying music as a motif, though not without recalling to the role played by language itself, Mizuki Kajihara proposes individuals to play, repeating like the “broken telephone” game that they heard from the previous players using the most representative phrases in this Berlioz’s masterpiece – The Symphonie fantastique, and records the performances.
The played musical phrases can highlight each participant’s perception formed by his environment and culture, as well as its connection between language and motif.
As Berlioz proposed a theory named idée fixe (fixed idea) and limited the role of music, Mizuki Kajihara explores, by re-abstracting the music which represent the concretion, the «human perceptions» through physical experimentations.
Selected exhibitions
・ KUAD ANNUAL 2020 Fieldwork Contemporary Art as a Guidebook to the World, 2020, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo
・ ULTRA GLOBAL AWARD 2017 Exhibition Alchemy for New Fountains – Making and not making, 2017, Galerie Aube , Kyoto
More info : mizukikajiharaportfolio.tumblr.com
Born in 1988, Japan
SCHEMA, 807x1200x800mm, Plywood, Acrylic paint, Urethane paint, 2020
Residency period : From January to April 2021
In his work, Soshi Matsunobe explores the way of re-presenting the concepts of hollow, shadow, blank and emptiness, such as a hole (zero-dimensional point) and a gap (one-dimensional line), physically in 2D or 3D spaces.
In recent years, his main concern is with site-specific works, such as wallpaper installations, project of installed stones in cities or outdoor sculptures.
Residency project : Investigation and development of conceptual installations that expresses “ground”
The word “ground” may refer to direct “background” such as walls, floors, or grounds, or may also refer to “background of event (process) ” like materials, rules, and customs.
During his residency period, Soshi Matsunobe explores this statement of “ground”, as «figure and ground” by reconstructing this element from various angles.
Soshi Matsumoto seeks new outlooks to express the “ground” through 3 axis of research, applied on his future installation work. This first one is linked to Daniel Buren’s artistic expression, as well as the range of its developpement, relativizing the existing “ground” and revealing both the environment and situation where the work is made.
Then, the research is conducted in the way to create a space using an original print wallpaper. To finish with, a survey will be conducted on small buildings from the viewpoint of latest architecture and design to be able to dress a definition of the “ground” related to his work.
Selected exhibitions
・KYOTO ART FOR TOMORROW 2020 – Selected Up-and-coming Artists, 2020, The museum of Kyoto, Kyoto
・ SEE THE SHADES 2019, Hagiwara projects, Tokyo
More info : matsunobe.net