27 fév Artist in Residence program in Paris 2020/2021 [終了しました] アーティスト・イン・レジデンスプログラム イン パリ 2020/2021 公募 実施のおしらせ

Due to the global pandemic situation, any open call for this residency program in 2021/2022 is planned. Thank you for your understanding.
Open call application is now closed for a residency program in Paris, France in 2020/2021 period for artists based in Kansai area with the main support of Chishima Foundation for Creative Osaka, Kyoto Art Center and Villa Kujoyama, with Institut Français and Cité internationale des arts.
Chishima Foundation for Creative Osaka and Kyoto Art Center are known as the main cultural organizations in the Kansai region, Japan. Co-organized with Villa Kujoyama in Kyoto, an artist in residency program of Institut français, this bilateral residency program hosted at Cité internationale des arts is aiming to support two artists based in Japan, researchers and curators eagering to develop their activities in contact with both French culture/society and artistic scene.
Followed up by 5 named institutions, the laureates will be invited for a research and production residency in the heart of Paris for three months at one of the studios in Cité internationale des arts, with the support of Institut français to carry out the research or work creation projet.
Due to the global pandemic situation, any open call for this residency program in 2021/2022 is planned. Thank you for your understanding.
Place :
Cité internationale des arts (Marais site)
Period :
October 9th 2020 to January 4th 2021
January 9th 2021 to April 4th 2021
Please indicate your available period(s). In any case, the both residency period can’t be accumulated. The two periods does not attribute to an only person.
– inhabitant OR person working mainly in Kansai region (Kyoto, Osaka, Shiga, Nara, Wakayama, Hyogo)
– individual having activities as artist, curator, art critic
– all artistic disciplines
No condition of nationality neither age limit. However, we are not able to accept students.
Supports for each laureate
– A studio as part of the Institut français / Cité internationale des arts program will be allocated to this residence (Marais site)
– flight tickets round trip (direct between KIX and CDG)
– 100 000 yens per month (tax inclu.) for living costs
– 200 000 yens (tax inclu.) for research/production costs
– advice from the organizers before the residence and on site
All the other expenses are in charge of the laureates.
The laureates have to be covered by insurance during the residence.
Before the arrival at Cité internationale des arts, the payment of deposit for the studio will be asked.
The candidates should submit :
– application form in English and in Japanese
– portfolio
– detailed description of the residency project (4 pages max.)
Please send the candidature in an email attaching all the requested documents to : vk.candidature@institutfrancais.jp
The deadline is fixed March 29th (Sunday) 2020 at 23:59.
The application period is now closed.
Selection procedure
– first selection on file
– second selection by interview : April 16 (Thursday)
All the candidate will be notified the result after the final committee constituted by a representative from each organizer and expert.
We don’t answer the questions regarding the selection.
Questions about the application and the program
Please contact by email : vk.candidature@institutfrancais.jp
Download the application form for Artist in Residence program in Paris 2020/2021 here
The application period is now closed.
Official press release for Artist in Residence program in Paris 2020/2021